2011-Taylor-707-Air-cooled-single-Phase-Free-Flavor-Burst - George Botha Park

Monday, 09 January 2017

Item details

City: George Botha Park, Mpumalanga
Offer type: Sell
Price: R 40,000


Contact name Fritz
Phone 0843449134

Item description


2011Taylor model 707 softserve machine. This is a high volume machine. single flavor. excellent for use in yogurt shop, convenience store or café making shakes softserve cones or yogurt.
Free flavor burst to this model! both refurbished
This is a 220v 3-phase air cooled machine.

Includes delivery set up and training

We have many other soft serve machines, topping bars, refrigerated fruit chillers, anything needed for your yogurt shop or ice cream expansion as well.